Phantoml0rd wins Twitch lawsuit PC Gamer
requests that court dismisses PhantomLord lawsuit
Everything We Know About the PhantomL0rd Scandal PVP
Judge rules that banned streamer Phantoml0rd can sue VG247
PhantomL0rd Sued Twitch and WON YouTube
Judge sides with Twitch over Phantloml0rd
ban in Dexerto
Court case between Phantoml0rd
and Twitch begins
PhantomL0rd wins lawsuit vs Twitch over 2016 CSGO skin
Judge Streamer who didn’t read contract can sue Twitch for
Judge rules that banned streamer Phantoml0rd can sue Twitch
PhantomL0rd Wins Lawsuit Against Twitch ESTNN
Twitch requests dismissal of lawsuit brought on by Phantomlord
Judge sides with twitch over phantoml0rd ban also reveals
The Phantomlord Lawsuit YouTube